About series60.com

Series60.com is a complete online source of Series 60 Platform related information. The site consists of various types of content from product information and Series 60 device details to press releases and other news. Series60.com is also supporting developers and providing access to multiple developer resources. The goal of the site is to provide up-to-date and unique information and news about Series 60 Platform, devices and the Series 60 community members. Series60.com is a common and shared web site of all Series 60 Platform licensees. Nokia Technology Platforms manages the site.
The Series 60 Platform, built on the Symbian OS, is currently the leading smartphone platform in the world. It is licensed by some of the foremost mobile phone manufacturers in the world including LG Electronics, Lenovo, Nokia, Panasonic, Samsung, Sendo and Siemens.
The flexibility of the Series 60 Platform allows for various hardware designs and software configurations. This is demonstrated through the multitude of Series 60 based phones available already on the market, selling in millions.
Through its award winning user interface, extensive support for new mobile services and the endless innovation potential for partner solutions, the Series 60 Platform provides an open, secure and scalable business opportunity to mobile operators and 3rd party developers.
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