Series 60 Platform is licensed by some of the foremost mobile phone manufacturers in the world including LG Electronics, Lenovo, Nokia, Panasonic, Samsung, Sendo and Siemens.

Read more about the Series 60 Platform licensees by clicking the logos above

The Value for Manufacturers

Differentiation and innovation
Series 60 Platform licensees get a comprehensive software package that includes all the required service enablers, the complete user interface (UI) and a wide variety of applications. The Series 60 Platform, licensed as source code, provides manufacturers flexibility to differentiate on the design of devices and the UI, and a great potential to innovate. They may also license any innovations back to the Series 60 community, and provide valuable input to the future direction of the platform.
Reduced development time and cost
The Series 60 Platform provides a significant advantage in reduction of time-to-market and development cost to mobile phone manufacturers. A strong Series 60 Platform Product Creation Community has been developed to help licensees bring full-featured smartphones to market swiftly, to customize devices for specific needs, and to manage associated development costs.
Intuitive and powerful user interface
The Series 60 UI is one of the most thoroughly researched, designed, and developed graphical UIs by Nokia. The applications are carefully integrated with each other in a way that users can easily accomplish tasks, such as creating and sending a multimedia message with a minimal number of key presses, no matter where they are in the menu structure. The Series 60 UI ensures a delightful and consistent user experience across licensee devices. The Series 60 Platform UI is optimized for Symbian operating system.
Available now
The Series 60 Platform is available now and it is the leading OEM software package for smartphones used by seven major mobile phone companies.
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